
Nervous and domestic vowels

An auditory exercise by Aodhan Madden

with text by Luara Karlson-Carp

Script of audio: nervous-and-domestic-vowels_aodhan-madden.pdf

9 - 30th December 2017

It was not particularly well known in the great Wiener household, but threading a boy through the eye of a needle inheres some significant and rather nasty complications. Most noteworthy is the merging of the brain with the heart. This has a side effect of producing in the boy a delusion that there is nothing essential delimiting the human sciences from the natural sciences.


If you want to keep something for yourself, keep it inside
If you want to keep yourself to yourself, keep inside yourself
If you want to keep inside yourself, delimit the boundary
If you want to delimit the boundary, write the boundary as an equation.


To write the boundary as an equation, realise the equation through solving a mathematical problem by finding a function (which solves a specified partial differential equation in the interior of a given region that takes prescribed values on the boundary of the region).

To solve a problem by finding a function so you can write the boundary as an equation, work yourself up into a state so that the only respite for your inner tumult is the solution to the problem.

To work yourself into a state so you can solve a problem by finding a function so you can write the boundary as an equation so you might keep yourself to yourself, realise the problem as a metaphor for your own emotional distress.

To realise the problem as a metaphor for your own emotional distress to find a function to solve a problem so you can write the boundary as an equation, reach inside yourself as an outsider and pull out the distress, hold it in front of your face and say, “look here, disgusting!”.

To pull out your distress as an outsider and hold it up in front of your face and say, “look here, disgusting!” so you can realise the problem as a metaphor for your own emotional distress so you can find the function to solve the problem so you can write the boundary as an equation, you might be reminded of your father reaching inside and pulling out bits of yourself, holding them up in front of your face and saying, “look here, disgusting!”.

You might then have to deliberately slow your breathing and remind yourself that this is all for a good cause, the good cause of delimiting the boundary so you might keep yourself to yourself.

Just keep reaching, you’ve nearly grasped it
Tear out one more inside piece, stinking flesh, lure to a greyhound
Jangle that disgust just a little more forcefully up to your eyeballs, you’re almost there
A means to an end
Violation to constitute inviolability.

You solve the problem by finding the function
Metaphor which is a metaphor for the literal problem of how to keep yourself to yourself.
He keeps to himself. Thoughts stay inside their bodies of origin, properly.

If I were to write the function in plain english it might sound something like:

“Mathematics is literally a metaphor”—or, I can’t decide—“science is the physical abstracted”

“Mathematics is metaphorically literal”—or, I can’t decide—“science is the abstracted physical”.